| 1. | The process of establishment of hehe school 致思和合学的心路历程 |
| 2. | The detailed process of establishment of such a platform was introduced in this paper 本文较详细介绍了建立该技术平台的过程,这对于今后这方血的工作有定的参考价值。 |
| 3. | This paper analyzes the process of establishment of cooperation relationship in supply chain alliance step by step 本论文分步骤地分析了供应链联盟合作关系的建立过程。 |
| 4. | Government should employ regulations on market working mode and electricity price by appropriate measures in the process of establishment and running of regional electric power market 在区域电力市场建立和运行的过程中,作为政府,要采取适当措施对市场模式和电价进行干预。 |
| 5. | In the third part , the core - character , the principles of founding , the process of establishment , and the manner of managing and practicing are demonstrated 第三,以pds的核心特征“学校-大学的合作伙伴关系”为引导,论述了pds的组建原则、创建过程、管理模式和实践操作。 |
| 6. | This paper analyses the government actions of south korean in the process of establishment of enterprise groups and evaluates the behaviours of south korean government in this process 分析了韩国政府在企业集团形成和发展过程中的作用,对韩国政府在这一过程中的行为进行了评价。 |
| 7. | The process of establishment and aftermath revolutionary activities were supported by many japanese personages , which has long been a deed passed far and wide in the history of sino - japanese friendship 同盟会的成立以及成立以后的革命活动都得到许多日本人士的关切与支持,这是中日友好交流史上的一段佳话。 |
| 8. | Corporations continuously need to collect capital to meet the demand of finance during the process of establishment and development , which requires to open a variety of capital collection channels 在严格控制风险的基础上,鼓励符合条件的企业通过发行公司债券筹集资金,改变债券融资发展相对滞后的状况,丰富债券市场品种,促进资本市场协调发展。 |
| 9. | Based on the coso report , this essay analyzes the current situation of internal control for chinese companies at this stage , and proposes advices to perfect the system in the process of establishment 以coso报告作为内控标准来分析我国现阶段企业内控管理的基本状况,并进一步就国内企业应如何按照国际上通行的内部控制标准来建立完善而有效的内部控制体系提出了一些应对措施和建议。 |